Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Charm: Embrace Your Day the Hildegarde Way

Dear Reader,

To-day's post is one of learning how to spread your charm to others, simply by how you phrase your questions and statements throughout the day. There is always place for charm and courtesy; do remember that, dear. In any circumstance, you can choose to be rude or you can choose to be polite. In order to travel up the ladder of your success program, you must always choose the polite way, albeit the path less traveled these days.

Here is an example so you will always be correct: the other day, I overheard my servants in the kitchen early in the morning as they were preparing my breakfast. Cook said to the maid, "I don't think that Mrs. Fillmore would want that old cinnamon bread. I know I am tired of it!". Now, the maid had bought the bread at the bakery, so this comment could have been a little insulting. An alternative, which would have been just as easy to say and with no hurt feelings could have been, "I think Mrs. Filmore's tastes may lean more toward pumpernickel today. I will serve her that with her cream and eggs." Now, how much nicer is that? It is the little things that make a difference, dear. Think of what "Hildegarde" would do/say next time you are interacting with someone else. You will never lose the game when politeness and courtesy are your pawns. Remember..."embrace your day the Hildegarde way".

Until next time...


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