Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

More Ridiculous Commercials: Viva Not Just for Paper Towels Anymore

Dear Reader,

I must write to you to-day about yet another advertisement put out there by our wolves in sheep's clothing, those "snarky" junior ad executives. Has it come to this, the last bit of decency in our society, now simply thrown to the wind? My, my...I could not believe this commercial of so called "men" sitting around in a circle putting their news of newfound abilities in the boudoir to music. Why are they not at home with their wives? And why does this newfangled "cure" cause one to break into song? It is just unfathomable how any of these actors could perform in this commercial with a straight face (although the actors do appear to be laughing at some points during the ad, probably in disbelief of the acceptance of the acting job):

Viagra Commercial

I am almost too embarrassed to even discuss this commercial; however, don't worry...I have my smelling salts by my side.

Please write to this company to share your disgust with their advertising.

Stop Viagra Advertising

Until next time...


Do you have a question for Mrs. Fillmore? Please send an email to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more, HIlde. For this reason, I am adding a link to your blog in MY blog. There is no such thing as too many rules of propriety, and your blog is just the resource I need to educate the poor souls most in need of it.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,

Thank you for adding a link to your blog. The more people who take my charm course, the better!

Until next time...


4:13 PM  

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