Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Beauty: A Picture Lasts 1000 Years

Dear Reader,

To-day we will be discussing the value of photographs and the importance of you looking your best in each and every one. You must remember, dear, that others will be seeing these pictorial representations of you whether tomorrow or in a hundred years, and you always want to be remembered at your most charming and beautiful you. Now, if you are a regular reader of my column and subscriber to my advice, you will always be ready to be photographed. However, here are some tips for your diary:

1. Always look presentable regardless of whether or not you plan on being photographed. Don't leave your home without having bathed and dressed tastefully and properly, in age appropriate clothing, of course. Make sure your hair and makeup are pleasing as well.
2. Don't forget to bring along your perky disposition, smiling and sparkling during each moment of the day.

If you follow the above tips, you will be ready for any picture, whether posed or candid. Additionally, only save and/or distribute those photos of yourself which show you in your best light. Any photos which render you unattractive or in an unflattering pose should be destroyed immediately. You want your descendants to respect you and feel that their ancestors were well received by society, not on their way to a beach party or garage sale. Let your collage be flawless and the memory of you be cherished.

Until next time...


Do you have a question for Mrs. Fillmore? Please send an email to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hildegarde,

Your advice on photographs leads me to a question. What is proper etiquette concerning commenting on others' appearances in photos? If you run across a photo where someone does not, dare I say it, look their best, is it proper to speak to this matter? If it is proper, should it be done privately or in a public forum?


Curious Casper

8:05 PM  
Blogger Hildegarde Fillmore said...

Dear Curious,

Thank you for your post. I thought it such a good question that I have answered it as part of my course. Please see the posting of May 28.


6:26 PM  

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