Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beauty: Whose Line is it Anyway?

Dear Reader,

Amidst this slushy winter we are having way up here in Scarsdale, I thought it best that I write to you about something that I have noticed happening more and more today with the younger and more "modernistic" women--the improper use of lipliner. Now dear, I think the first order of business here is to define where one's lips actually reside. The top lip is hardly the issue; it is the bottom lip which begs for some assistance. Despite the fact that the lip "area" is pink, the lips do not make up the entirety of this space. Sit yourself down in front of a mirror, dear. With your eyes, carefully trace the outline of your lips and notice that on the bottom lip, there is a sort of "shelf" and there is the slightest bit of pink skin underneath. Where the "shelf" ends, so does the lip and that is where one's lipliner should end. NEVER line the bottom portion underneath the "shelf" or else you will appear as a fish. I see it all of the time, especially with people in the entertainment industry--everyone is going for that "plumped look" and she improperly lines her lips to accentuate the collagen injections she has just so rediculously purchased. "Thin is in", dear, and that also includes the lip area. Who wants to go around looking like a flubbery fish? If you don't believe me (a risky chance taken, mind you), line your lips both ways and see which looks more pleasing and attractive. Would I lie to you?

Until next time...


Do you have a question for Mrs. Fillmore? Please send an email to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Fillmore,

Another wedding shower question for you:

What is your opinion of having guests at your shower self-address an envelope for a thank you note?

Wet Blanket II

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

6:29 PM  

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