Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Beauty: All Day Lip Color

Dear Reader,

To-day I am thrilled to discuss with you the latest in beauty products: the all day lip color which also hydrates your lips. I am not hear to facilitate sales of any particular brand of lipstick, mind you. I am here to instruct you that you must, at once, find one that suits you and wear it ever day. What a modern way to look beautiful and charming! And so easy, too! How many times have you been out at the club only to have to retouch your lipstick after luncheon? How often have you kissed your young child after retrieving her from the governess, only to leave those "tell tale" marks on her cheek or forehead? Not to mention that "sign of affection" left on your husband's cheek as he leaves for his daily business, if indeed your husband needs to work. Never again must you have to manage these maladies. One application in the morning during your toilette and you are polished for the remainder of the day. Now...if only we could find charm that would have such longevity!

Until next time...


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