Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Beauty: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Dear Reader,

To-day we will discuss the beauty and care for your crowning glory, your hair. It is most important, especially these days with all of the pollution and environmental concerns, to care for your locks. First of all, I must impress upon you how important it is to manage the health and vitality of your hair. Even the most attractive style from Georgette Klinger will not look its beauty best if your hair is dry, breaking, and out of condition in general. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. See your beautician and ask for recommendations for hair products that will work best for your type of hair. You can expect her to recommend the following:

Cream Rinse
Hair Mask (or deep conditioning for weekly use)
Special Treatments (for hair damaged by too frequent bonnet drying or hair irons)

2. Once you get your hair into shape, revisit your beautician and have her recommend a style that is flattering to your face shape, age, and lifestyle. Nothing is more unattractive than seeing a woman with hair that looks like a wet mop, just hanging on the sides of her face. It doesn't take much time, dear, to go from looking like a wet mop to looking like a beauty queen; it just takes a little effort. Isn't it worth an extra ten minutes and some hot rollers to make that hair of yours shine and your man's eyes (when he sees you) as well? Like your hands, your hair says alot about you; if you don't care for it, you are sending a message to others that you do not have respect for yourself or your loveliness program. This must not happen!

3. As you grow into your new hair care, hair setting, and hair maintenance program, you may notice that there are some additional concerns that arise. One of these is the need for coloring. I know, dear reader, that our Victorian grandmothers thought that only tramps and trollops entered this arena; however, times have changed and it is important that one revisits this world if need be. If you notice some of those ugly grays appearing, by all means, color your hair. A full head of grays can be most becoming on a woman of 50 or older, but not for the young among us. If you are younger than 50 and are graying, please see your beautician at once to have this problem remedied. Otherwise, you might look like one of those bag ladies collecting coins from the fountain!

Well dear reader, I hope that to-day's lesson has inspired you to take a look at yourself and to become your beauty best. Make the time now to care for your hair. You will feel good about yourself, and others will, too.

Until next time...



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