Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Charm: How to Prepare for Houseguests

Dear Reader,

To-day's lesson is most appropriate as I am personally expecting houseguests for the weekend. What better time for me to instruct you on the ways of being a charming hostess than when the ideals are right at the forefront of my mind!

When you will be hosting friends or relatives, whether you are excited about the impending visit or not, it is your responsibility to create a warm and welcoming environment for your guests. This includes having your housework done and the home tidy, having a fresh appearance when your guests arrive (don't forget your lipstick!), and having a becoming personality to cheerfully greet your guests. Additionally, here are some tips for making your guests' visit special:

1. Always have fresh linens in the bedroom (wash the sheets and towels the day of your guests' arrival, unless they will be arriving very early in the morning). You may think that sheets washed on your weekly laundry day will stay fresh for the few days until your guests arrive. Not so, dear reader. Sheets will go stale as bread when left on an unused bed. If you have a ringer at home and the sheets will not be able to dry in time, by all means, send them out.
2. Select color coded towels and washcloths for your guests so their towels will not be confused with your personal towels in your bathroom. Provide for your guests a towel rack or other sort of hanging apparatus in the guest room for their towels to air dry after use.
3. Ensure that the room where you guests will be is in top order. A thorough cleaning is due the day before your guests arrive. Make sure to dust, vacuum, beat the rugs, and clean the mirrors and glass windows to a sparkling clean. Also, remove any children's toys or other items that would be out of order for your guests. Check to make sure that all of the fixtures are clean and have working bulbs. Clear the closet out entirely and provide padded hangers for your guests--it is a good idea to always keep the guest closet free of any items in the event you have last minute guests--you will always look prepared for company if you keep this habit!
4. Place some pretty little guest soaps in a crystal dish and place on the bureau. Any other beauty products you feel may be desired, some perfume, perhaps, may be placed within reach. An addition of some fine chocolates or mints is also a nice touch.
5. Provide a nice variety of reading material on the nightstand by the bed. This will occupy your guests when they are preparing to retire or are taking an afternoon rest.
6. Purchase some fresh flowers the day of your guests' arrival and place them in a nice vase with fresh water on the guest bureau. Who doesn't like to come into a room with fresh flowers?
7. Lastly, air out the guest room (as well as the rest of your house), even in winter, for a few hours before your guests' arrival. A fresh smelling house will ensure that everyone will sleep well!

Once your guests arrive, help them to settle in by asking your husband to take their luggage and by offering them some coffee, tea, and some light refreshments. Tea and cucumber sandwiches are quite lovely after a long motor journey. When mealtime comes, always try to prepare your guests' favorite dishes, and use your best finery. Use placecards at table to make your guests feel special and at home.

Well, dear reader, all that is needed now is your charming personality! It also would not hurt to let you guests win a few hands at bridge either...

Until next time...



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