Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Dear Hildegarde: Your Questions Answered

Ms. Hilde,

I love your blog! so much good info. I really feel like after reading this, I could become a true lady. Do you know how to get rid of yellow nails which are due to always using darker polish?


Dear anonymous,

Oh dear--you must address this problem at once! I am so pleased that you came to me for your beauty advice.

Yellow-looking nails can be a result of a myriad of issues: poor health, nicotine stains from smoking, and the biggest offender--dark nail polish (even with base coat). Additionally, stained nails can also be the result of a lack of oxygen to the nail bed from constantly wearing nail polish! My suggestions to you are as follows:

Eat a healthy diet.

If you smoke, quit! Read my posting on smoking as this not only stains your nails, but detracts from your loveliness as well!

Discontinue use of nail polish completely for three weeks. You may use a nail buffer to remove the surface stains in the meantime, or of course, you may wear gloves. This time period will be the most difficult in your beauty enhancing program, especially if you are used to wearing polish regularly. But you simply must charge ahead if you want to look your best. Massage your hands and nails each night with a heavy cream (I recommend NIVEA creme) to promote increased circulation of the blood to this area.

Once your nails have whitened up again, and you would like to continue using polish, choose lighter shades and always wear a base coat. Darker polish is not as fashionable this season, so it will serve you well to "lighten up" a bit. Also, about once every six weeks, go one week with no polish to give your nails a chance to re-oxygenate.

Dear Reader, I would love for you to repost with your results!

Until next time...


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