Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Charm: He Who Has an Ear, Let Him Hear!

Dear Reader,

I just love it when I can come home from some event and have something simply scandalous about which to write. It just makes my day and it is all the more knowledge for you! On to our lesson...

My very polite, gentlemanly, and confederate husband and I returned home a while ago from morning church services. During the service, I was shocked to see an otherwise charming and poised lady cleaning her ear right in front of me with the arm of her reading glasses! I would have fallen out of my chair agasp if it weren't for my strong suitor sitting next to me. Because of my normally poised nature, of course, I was quickly able to regain my composure, but know dear reader, I was making a mental note of the occurrence just for you.

Here is our lesson for today: no public grooming. If you have an unfortunate itch somewhere on your person, please excuse yourself from public view to remedy the situation. No one wants to see someone with her keys in her ear, scratching her person, etc. Unfortunately today, ladies no longer wear gloves, so one is forced to shake hands against bare skin. Would you want to shake hands with someone who just had her hands in her hair, her ears, or any other place for that matter? I certainly would not want to pick up that lady's reading glasses, the ocular assistors now having explored the depths of her "eerie" canal!

Ladies, I am afraid that this is a topic which will need to be reviewed from time to time. However, in the meantime, think about how you would feel if you saw some of these public grooming actions. Would you ever want someone else to be thinking those things about you? Keep those hands at bay--in your lap, folded daintily.

Until next time...



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