Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Charm: Hate to Eat and Run

Dear Reader,

To-day's post is one that is a definite "must read". I hope that you will take the time to-day to allow my words to penetrate your thoughts--one must never make the mistake I am about to describe...

To-day's topic is not about eating and running, but rather eating and motoring, or eating anywhere in public outside of a restaurant, for that matter. Oh reader, always remember that food and beverage are meant to be consumed in one's private home, a private club, or in a restaurant. How uncivilized it is to see people motoring around in their cars or walking on the street while eating or drinking. It is most disgusting. These sordid actions send the message that "I don't have enough money or class to enjoy elixirs and edibles at a civil, leisurely pace". Those of the higher classes have plenty of time to enjoy the finer things. It is those of the lower brow who must always rush around, trying to get from one place to the next, trying to make ends meet or because of poor organization. These are those who end up having to "eat and run". It simply isn't worth it, dear reader, especially if you want to project a polished, charming demeanor. A carefree attitude is the prescription needed here. Even if you don't have the funds to pursue a less hectic lifestyle, by all means, at least be organized enough about your daily routine to appear that you do. No gentleman of charm is in want to pursue a maiden who is too busy to "slow down" and have concern about his own needs. And it is all about caring for those gentleman that God would place in our paths, isn't it? Press on, dear reader. You will one day thank me for my advice, and I will send you a wink and a smile as I see you walk down that aisle to wedded happiness.

Until next time...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with this posting. It is discouraging to see so many bottom feeding adults in today's society. Such pedestrian behavior should not be tolerated; however, there is another behaviour which many do in their vehicles and elsewhere that I find even more disturbing - Mouth Breathing. It is most unseemly to sit in one's car with your mouth hanging open like a slack-jawed monkey, fogging up the windows with your hot plebian breath. Close your mouth, for goodness sake, and breath through your nose as God intended, and common decency dictates.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Hildegarde Fillmore said...

Dear Reader,

Hear! Hear! A patron of the arts, I see.

Thank you for reading!


6:34 PM  

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