Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Charm: Rosie and "The Donald"

Dear Reader,

As you know, I try to avoid judging specific (i.e., named) people in my posts, but rather discuss the sordid behavior of those around me in an anonymous way, as anything else just wouldn't be proper. However, to-day, I see no reason why I should not address this very public and unfortunate feud going on in the media. Many of you might be confused as to what is happening in pop culture to-day--no wonder--there is nothing "cultural" about it.

Now, onto our lesson. There is a great point to be made here and a good lesson for everyone: money and class do not necessarily sport a direct relationship. Look how obnoxiously both Ms. O'Donnell and Mr. Trump have been behaving: calling each other negative names, making moral judgments upon one another--and the worst of it--all within view of the public eye. I guess that their mothers never instructed them properly regarding the airing of one's dirty laundry. Regardless, note that both of these persons have full bank accounts and probably many investments; however, there is not one shred of class to be found between the two of them. No proper lady or gentleman of breeding would ever behave in such a ludicrous manner. Breeding is simply that. Regardless of one's bank account, one simply cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, short of following my advice, of course.

So, my advice to you, dear reader, is to take heart. Do not be discouraged if you do not make a good living or if you have no inheritance before you. If it is your desire to be a beautifully poised and charming lady, fear not, simply follow the advice in my posts and you will find yourself transformed. For those who have had the benefit of trust accounts but have been affected by recent poor investments, take heart as well. Class remains--a lady is a lady regardless of the size of her purse. But, do seek some more reliable financial counsel in the future, dear.

Until next time...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

To add to your comments, remember, you do not have to have money to have class.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Hildegarde Fillmore said...

Yes, of course. I did say in my post that "a lady is a lady, regardless of the size of her purse". Thank you for repeating my very important words. However, if one has money, it is foolish to let it be squandered away by carelessness.

Thank you for reading!


2:24 PM  

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