Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Charm: How to Dress When Out

Dear Reader,

To-day's lesson is that of a dressing nature. We are not speaking to-day about salad condiments, but rather of one's clothing appearance, especially when out. My grandmother always said that one can tell a man's class by the way he dresses. It is not as true today, unfortunately, as many a man with great wealth can be seen walking the street in short pants! Conversely, there are so many discount retailers which sell reasonably styled clothing (although the fabric leaves something to be desired), that the man of little means can seem to portray a somewhat tailored appearance. Even so, there is a standard that one should keep when out. Here are a few rules to live by (for women):

1. Ladies should always have a smart outfit when out. Leave the jeans and casual trousers/sweat pants at home for days when you are working on your garden or performing housecleaning tasks. Women older than college age should never wear denim. Jeans are for students, not for well bred ladies; again, the gardening/cleaning caveat applies. Clothing should also be properly sized and in good condition, no tears, missing buttons, etc.

2. Shoes (and all clothing for that matter) should be made of natural materials and should always be polished and/or clean, as the case may be. Athletic shoes shall only be worn on the courts or when playing sports.

3. Ladies ALWAYS wear stockings with skirts. It is very unlady-like to show bare skin on the legs, unless of course one is sunbathing, in which case, she should also have a cover up to maintain her modesty and daintiness.

4. Ladies should dress appropriately for their age. Have you heard the expression, "Mutton dressing as lamb"? I see it all too often. Women in their 40s dressing like women in their 20s. You aren't fooling anyone, dear. If you are 40, dress like you are 40. If you are in your 30s, give up the "student" attire and dress like the confident lady you are becoming.

5. If you are not at your fitness best, please wear a foundation garment (or two) underneath your clothing. No one wants to see your unsightly bulges or loose skin. Take a look at some older films when women wore these garments constantly. Don't they look smart? They all look firm and toned, and hardly any of them exercised. Take a tip here, dear. Get a girdle and you will look just as smart. If you can't stand the idea of foundation garments, then off to the gym you go!

6. All ladies wear petticoats or other silken undergarments when wearing sheer clothing. Never leave your home wearing a sheer blouse without taking care of this important detail. Otherwise, you will be viewed as grotesque.

7. All ladies wear understated jewelry, and never more than three pieces at a time (watches and wedding rings do not count). When you get dressed, look in the mirror and twirl around. When you stop, see which piece of jewelry catches your eye, and then take it off. Now you look balanced!

8. Lastly, remember that you are your own best advertisement. Have a friend take a snapshot of you and study it carefully. Is the image on the photograph one that you are pleased about presenting to the world? You never know who could be watching you. Why not send out an ad that some future suitor will want to answer?

Until next time...



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