Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dear Hildegarde: Your Questions Answered

Dear Mrs. Fillmore,

I read your post about perfume and really liked it. I want to start having a signature fragrance, but am not sure how to proceed. My grandmother has some perfume that she wore that she gave me some years ago, and I like it. I think that I would like to use it as my signature fragrance, too. Is that OK?


Smelling Sweet

Dear Sweet,

Thank you for your post. It is acceptable to have the same signature fragrance as another, as long as you have selected it because of your own liking and not because you want to smell like or copy the other person. It would be just short of stalking otherwise!

Now, it is also important to wear the fragrance every day. Make sure that you don't let perfume go to waste by waiting for the "perfect moment" or a "special occasion" to wear it. You are to be beautiful and to smell lovely every day of your life. Don't leave your perfume bottle unattended except for twice a year. Perfume does spoil after about a year's time, so use it up or, I am afraid, you will have to throw it out. If you are coming very close to the "expiration date" and have not enough days to use up your fragrance, think of other clever ways to scent your life: add some to your laundry, to your bath water, to your bed linens, etc. I even add that fragrant touch to my canine every now and then and have been known to use even the most expensive of fragrances for room freshening.

Now dear, find that special signature fragrance of yours and don't leave home without it!

Until next time...


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