Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Beauty: Beauty or Bust

Dear Reader,

To-day we will discuss a topic of a most intimate nature: bust beauty. I shall now ask my male readers to avail their eyes from the remainder of this post, as this is a matter that is most delicate and private, and is for ladies only. that the gentleman have left the room, let's discuss bust beauty. You might think to yourself, "why do I need to care about my brassiere line?". Well, dear reader, take a look around you and notice how unsightly and ungainly so many women keep this part of their form, a part of the body which should be kept in high esteem, as it is one of the main physical atrributes that separates us from the men, and can be one of the more attractive, if properly respected. I will go down the list of some habits you should develop in order to maintain your bust loveliness...

1. Ladies of poise and charm never show cleavage during the daylight hours, and only a hint after dark, and only in the most formal of circumstances, i.e, a charity ball, not a Junior League committee meeting and certainly not at the office, if you do have the unfortunate circumstance of having to work. If you do nothing else, dear, keep yourself modestly covered in this area. Now, I do not mean to say here that you should outfit yourself in unattractive, boyish, or ill-fitting clothes, but rather ensure that your neckline does not reveal too much of your "personality". Yes, I know that Marilyn did it, but she also had three husbands...hmmm...need I say more? If you want to keep your reputation out of the gutter, guard your daintiness.

2. Playtex recently advertised that 70% of women are wearing an incorrectly sized brassiere. No wonder the bustlines of America are compromised! Dear, get yourself to a good corsetier and be properly measured. A proper fit is the first step in bust beauty. We have all witnessed the woman with her bust pouring out of her brassiere--what a shame; even a slender girl appears to be chubby in this situation. Watch out for the back fat as well!

3. Once you have been properly fitted for your foundation garments, wear those which enhance your bustline. Unless you are expecting or nursing a child, always wear brassieres with underwire, regardless of your cup size. The wire gives you that little "lift" that you need to appear toned and feminine. The shape you want is round. No more are the days where we ironed our brassieres to points like the missiles being sent overseas to get those Germans! Round and natural, albeit a little uplifted, is the key.

4. Find brassieres which are seamless in the cup area. With the invention of more delicate materials in garments, seams on brassieres, even when properly covered with a camisole, still show through. This not only makes you look like an old lady, but it also detracts from your bust beauty. You do not want people looking at your chest (they really should not be looking at all if they are of any sort of breeding) because they notice your seams!

5. Wear brassieres made of silken fabrics. I am sure that you have noticed the woman walking around with a portion of her blouse or shirt bunched up over her brassiere because the fabric does not glide delicately over her foundation garments. Cotton is comfortable, but try corsets which are made of nylon or silk so your clothes hang well. Save your cotton corsets for when you are wearing heavier or lined fabrics.

6. Exercise when possible and try to make it a part of your daily routine. Strength training in the upper chest area really gives your bust a lift! Don't overdo it, however. You don't want to look like one of those women on the front cover of "Bodybuilder" Magazine. Poor dears! They are so misguided--they think that they appear attractive--they really just look like men.

7. Finally, stand up straight! Do not be ashamed of your bustline. Good posture can only enhance your femininity and poise. Also, any cup size over a B should be housed in a "minimizer" brassiere. Ask your corsetier about this. You certainly don't want to appear like those misguided women who look like they are carrying around a pair of watermelons under their blouses.

Well dear, I hope that this posting has put your on your way to bustline beauty. I fully expect to see a reformation of bustlines in the next few weeks.

Until next time...



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