Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summering in Cuba

My dears,

I wanted to write to you to-day to let you know that I will be taking a brief hiatus from my post writing as I will be summering in Cuba, leaving tomorrow morning. I hope that you have enjoyed my posts as of late--please take the summertime to review your personal beauty and charm progress and to create plans for continued success once the fall is upon us. I shall return to my lessons when the academic year begins. However, should I be so inspired, I may drop a line or two to you from Cuba should I notice any uproarious behavior during my stay.

Best to you this summer and remember, take care of yourself, mind your manners and your daintiness, and by all means, make yourself attractive looking by wearing clothes that are tasteful and age appropriate, by maximizing the use of cosmetic and toiletry products, and by using that signature fragrance. Yes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but why not have as many beholders as possible!

Until next time...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy "Cuba"! I hear that it's hard to sleep there, what with the all night partying and such. Try to get some rest and relaxation while the natives are "working"!

10:12 AM  

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