Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Reader,

I should like to take this opportunity to wish you the warmest of holidays this season. Mr. Fillmore and I will be celebrating with our families, so I will thusly take the rest of the year off. I feel it will be a well deserved vacation, don't you?

Please watch your manners and show your families and friends how much you have progressed over this year. Put forth your best and most dainty self for all the world to see. As long as you have been following my advice, the world will not be disappointed.

Remember to celebrate Christmas in its true sense, not the giving and receiving of commercial packages, although they do make very appropriate hostess gifts, but rather the coming of Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins. Please do your best to honor this occasion by attending church services in your area. Remember to dress modestly and with care, of course.

Well dear, best to you in 2008!

Until next time...


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