Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Etiquette: Door to Door

Dear Reader,

I have had numerous inquiries regarding door etiquette over the past few days. I guess since Winter is coming, people want to know the rules in order to get into buildings and homes as quickly as possible. I will get right to our lesson to-day...

It is always important to be courteous to others and keep their needs in mind before yours. That is the whole point of learning and using my etiquette rules. The only people who suffer in this world are those who do not benefit from the knowledge of the rules and the blessing of implementing them in order to be considerate of others. How dreadful it is that such are among us! I dream of a community where everyone knows the rules and follows them--off to Heaven!

Here are some easy pointers regarding door manners:

1. Men (gentlemen, that is) always open doors for ladies (even in business--politeness and consideration do not take a break during working hours), older men, those of a more prominent stature (supervisor, political superior, etc.) and the handicapped. Basically, a man opens a door for everyone else. One opens a door if he and another person are approaching a door at the same time. People of etiquette knowledge know the rules and will stop to let the proper person open the door first.
2. Anyone entering or exiting a premisis should hold the door for another person approaching same if within a reasonable distance. However, if someone is exiting his car in the parking lot of the super market and you are leaving the building, there is no need to wait for such person.
3. Ladies open doors for older ladies and young children, but not gentlemen, unless very elderly or handicapped.
4. Teens and children should follow the above rules for their appropriate gender with each other, but should always open doors for those who are elder to them, if physically able.
5. Parents should open doors for their children until they are in the pre teen years--then the above rules apply.
6. The person opening a door to a building (public or private) should allow people exiting to come through first. Once the path is clear, he may enter. This rule also applies for elevators.
7. When a man and woman are walking together and approaching a building, the lady should slow down as to allow the man to get the door. If she does not, the situaltion will be awkward.
8. The only tricky exception is if somone is carrying a heavy package, the rules are suspeneded. A lady may get the door for a young, able man in such instance, for example, unless the man is hired, then she does not.

Now, the same rules basically apply for automobiles as well, with the exception of children. Parents should open the doors for their children until they are in the later teen years. They must ensure proper safety precautions are taken with seat belts, etc. until the children are old enough to effectively manage this themselves.

If two or more persons of equality are engaged before a door, it will just be up to them who takes the initiative. However, it is always better to err on the side of politeness. And remember, you never want to be outdone in politeness by someone of a lower class or standing. Heavens! That piece of advice comes from George Washington.

If you have a specific "door situation" you would like me to address, please drop me a line at

That is all, my dear reader. Until next time...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woops, I left this suggestion on the wrong post. Talk about not knowing proper etiquette! Here it is again...

It's suggestion #2 that gets tricky, especially when you are exiting and they are entering... and all sorts of other strange combinations.

(And yes, I called it "suggestion" just to give you something to fume about for a while!)

Totally Anonymous in VB

8:30 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

What does one do about sets of doors? If your gentleman friend opens the outer door is it appropriate and courteous to open the inner door for him? Or, since this is a casual circumstance, hold the door open for him as you walk through it? I encounter this every day coming in and out of the dorm.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Hildegarde Fillmore said...

Dearest Carol,

I hope that you are enjoying happily your life as a college co-ed! There is no experience like it--this is a nice time of life: no encumbrances--just you and the world. Encumbrances can be wonderful, but enjoy your freedom to discover the path set for you during these early adult years.

Now, to your question. Please remember that etiquette is a journey to be had in the consideration of others. It is not merely a set of rules, which occasionally when followed, are designed to create a new set of encumbering circumstances. That having been said, I will give you my thoughts for two different scenarios. If you are "with" a man, meaning your date for the evening, your father or brother, or merely a classmate coming over to your dorm to study (in the public area, mind you), of course, the young (or old, as the case may be) man should absolutely open both doors for you as a gesture of gentlemanly courtesy. You are travelling as a couple, as it were, and he should treat you as the feminine half. Here is the second scenario: if you are entering your dorm and a random person happens to be within the vicinity, of course, he may open your door. However, once you enter, you may feel free to open the inner door for the other party, or walk thorugh first and hold it open for him. It does not make sense for a casual acquaintence to rush to open both doors for you. However, if this is a date, he absolutely must do so. It is a different relationship and thus calls for different rules.

I know you, dear. You are a thoughtful, courteous, young lady. I feel it best to leave this to your discretion. Knowing the rules now "on paper", do what seems appropriate (keeping in mind that I will expect a report back from you during your Christmas break). It is those who know the rules who also have the savvy to finesse them.

Best to you, my dear!

5:20 PM  

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