Etiquette, Charm, and Beauty for the Woman of Today

Musings on etiquette, charm, and beauty from days of yore. A comparative analysis of the way things used to be, the way they are, and the way they should be.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Secret: Underarm Daintiness Should Remain As Such

Dear Reader,

Well...I have looked high and low to find the clip of the newest Secret commercial, advertising a new product: SECRET FLAWLESS. This is yet another advert which absolutely should be edited, if not completely removed. Now dear, I have no quibble with ladies wanting to remain dainty and fresh smelling. Why, one of my earlier posts was dedicated to such a topic. What I do take issue with is the advert showing this woman running around New York waving at anyone she can find, with the sole intent of showing off her underarm area. What is even worse is that at the end of the brief, she actually takes a "sniff" (in public) of this unmentionable area to ensure her daintiness. No lady worth her Ferragamos would ever consider such an act. How dreadful that these advertisers are amused by such proletarian measures to capture an audience. Additionally, their new campaign, "Because You're Hot", is just preying on the groundling thought patterns of those around us. Again, we see another set of executives who were raised by wolves.

Contact Secret

Again, please write to this concern to let them know of your distaste with their marketing tactics; I certainly have. If I can find the clip of the advert, I will post it.

Until next time...


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