Etiquette: Thank You Notes, Once Again
Dear Reader,
I cannot tell you how nice it is to be back in town after a lovely holiday season. I enjoyed celebrating Christmas et al with my family and exchanging gifts of a most tasteful nature. Now, have you all written your proper thank you notes? The deadline is fast approaching. Naturally, you should have thanked your gift giver at the time of receipt of the gift, especially if you received it in person; however, if a gift was sent to you via the post, you must especially send a gracious and meaningful note of thanks, however short. February 1 is the absolute last day for an acceptable thank you note from the Christmas holidays.
Thank you notes are ALWAYS appropriate whenever a kindness is shared with you, however small. Do not be remiss in this polite action, lest you be left off of the Christmas list for next year!
Until next time,
Do you have a question for Mrs. Fillmore? Please send an email to