Etiquette: Hostess Gifts
Dear Reader,
To-day's post is a rather exclusive one, geared toward those ladies who have been invited to a certain luncheon in town tomorrow. I could not arrive at this event tomorrow not having prepared the rest of you to arrive in the same manner as I will--with gift in hand!
Whenever a lady of charm and poise is invited to someone's home for a meal, she must ALWAYS bring a hostess gift along with her. Typically, for an evening meal, this is a bottle of wine, a special dessert, flowers, or some nice personal gift (like a favorite perfume, etc., but only if you are close, personal friends) for the lady of the house. It is a way to thank the hostess in advance for the invitation. Ladies, please, I will be taking notes tomorrow to see how many of you pass the grade. It is such a small thing to ask of you--please do not disappoint.
Now, referring to one of my previous posts, after the event has taken place, it is most important that a lady of taste write a thank you note to the hostess, complimenting her on the fine event and on the "lovely time" that she had. This is the least that one must do. One may additionally send a nice bouquet of flowers as well, and even before the event.
Dear reader, I hope to see you in full charming form tomorrow, with gift in hand, a well put together costume, and a perfectly applied make-up. Don't forget those few dabs of perfume, too!
Until next time...